Selasa, 21 April 2009

Veto dan Mentaliti Penjajah

Pada tanggal 26 Jun 1945, termeterailah Piagam Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu di San Franciso bagi manggantikan Liga Bangsa-Bangsa yang gagal menghalang tercetusnya Perang Dunia Ke 2. Piagam PBB dikuatkuasakan sepenuhnya pada 24 Oktober 1945. Bermula dengan 51 keahlian asal, ia cepat menjangkau ke 102 dan 153 setelah para penjajah melepaskan cengkamannya keatas jajahan-jajahan masing-masing di benua Afrika, Amerika Selatan dan di Asia. Jajahan terbaru yang dilepaskan ialah Hong Kong.

Pun begitu, mentaliti mereka tidak pernah berubah. Nafsu untuk terus mengekalkan status quo sebagai "penjajah" masih dikekalkan melalui apa yang digelar sebagai kuasa VETO. Mujurlah Sepanyol, Portugis dan Belanda tidak sempat membolot kuasa itu. Demikian juga German, Itali dan Jepun. Jika tidak, bayangkan yang dingin! Ini belum termasuk ahli-ahli kelab kuasa nukliar yang baru seperti Israel, India, Afrika Selatan dan Pakistan. Tidak juga termasuk Korea Utara dan Iran. Dan Jepun baru sahaja mewarwarkan cita-cita nukliarnya konon untuk menghadapi serangan nukliar Korea Utara.

German dan India sudah beberapa kali melobikan kuasa veto tetapi masih gagal. Maka itu kelab veto masih kekal di tangan Britain, Russia, China, Amerika Syarikat dan Peranchis. Sebagai ahli seumur hidup, mereka berupaya menjadikan Majlis Keselamatan sebagai kuda atau kaldai tunggangan sementara PBB pula menjadi budak-budak pecacai yang boleh direntap hidung atau telinganya pada bila-bila masa. Dasar imperialisme atau neokolonialisme akan dikekalkan sehingga hari kiamat. Siapa berani menggugat akan menerima nasib seperti almarhum Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Pelastine atau Afghanistan.

Pilihan ada di tangan anda atau siapa? Veto sebenarnya membuktikan bahawa dunia tidak pernah berjaya mengamalkan konsep demokrasi tulin. Sebaliknya ia diselaputi oleh unsur-unsur hegemoni dan neoimperialisme di peringkat tertinggi selain pengaruh gerakan neokonservatisme dan zionisme peringkat dunia. Sejarah veto dan penggunaannya memperjelaskan senario ini. Ensiklopedia Wikipedia memiliki certia tersendiri berhubung kuasa veto dunia:

(United Nations Security Council veto power-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

The United Nations Security Council 'power of veto' refers to the veto power wielded solely by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, enabling them to prevent the adoption of any 'substantive' draft Council resolution, regardless of the level of international support for the draft. The veto does not apply to procedural votes, which is significant in that the Security Council's permanent membership can vote against a 'procedural' draft resolution, without necessarily blocking its adoption by the Council.

The veto is exercised when any permanent member — the so-called 'P5' — casts a "negative" vote on a 'substantive' draft resolution. Abstention, or absence from the vote by a permanent member does not prevent a draft resolution from being adopted.


The UNSC veto system was formalized at the Yalta Conference, 4-11 February 1945, and was established in order to prohibit the UN from taking any future action directly against its principal founding members; in large part a legacy of the expulsion of the Soviet Union from the League of Nations in 1939, at the outbreak of World War II. It had already been decided at the UN's founding conference in 1944, that Britain, China, the Soviet Union, the United States and, "in due course" France, should be the permanent members of any newly formed Council.

France had been defeated and occupied by Nazi Germany, but its role as a permanent member of the League of Nations, its status as a colonial power and the activities of the Free French forces on the allied side allowed it a place at the table with the other four.[citation needed]

(Komen: Jika dilihat pada fakta diatas, jelas membuktikan bahawa Peranchis tidak pernah menang dalam Perang Dunia Kedua. Sebaliknya, tentera regim De Gaulle ditewaskan dengan hinanya oleh tentera Nazi Hitler. Regim Stalin di Rusia juga hampir pupus dikerjakan oleh jentera Hitler jika tidak didatangkan musim salju (dengan kehendak Allah Taala) yang menyebabkan kegagahan tentera Nazi lumpuh dengan sendirinya gara-gara cuaca yang ekstrim. Yang menghairankan, mengapa mereka diberikan kuasa Veto? Semata-mata lantaran menyokong Tentera Bersekutu menentang German - maka sudah cukup untuk dihadiahkan kuasa Veto?

Atau, lebih kepada fakta bahawa ia adalah salah satu dari kaedah para penjajah dunia mengekalkan kuasa untuk menjajah dan menguasai dunia dimasa-masa akan datang? Peranchis, sepertimana UK, tidak pun sebesar mana. Mungkin yang layak diberi VETO (jika wajar diberi..) ialah China dan Amerika Syarikat - disebabkan saiz geopolitik yang luas dan belum tewas sepenuhnya dalam perang berkenaan. China juga hampir tewas dilanda samurai Jepun jika tidak dengan kebodohan Jepun menyerang Hawaii dan Filipina (kedua-duanya ialah jajahan AS) yang memberi peluang keemasan kepada AS untuk berperang. Tetapi jika ditimbang dari aspek kepadatan penduduk, hanya China sahaja yang layak. Diikuti India (kalah perang), Jepun (ditewaskan oleh dua biji bom nukliar) dan Indonesia (terjajah). Kanada dan Russia adalah negara gersang yang hampir tidak mahu didiami jika tidak kerana kekayaan sumber galiannya (dengan izin Allah). Jadi, siapakah yang sebenarnya patut mendapat anugerah "VETO" itu?)

The Soviet Union had adopted an "empty chair" policy at the Security Council from January 1950, owing to its discontent over the UN's refusal to recognize the People's Republic of China's representatives as the legitimate representatives of China, and with the hope of preventing any future decisions by the Council on substantive matters. Despite the wording of the Charter (which makes no provisions for passing resolutions with the abstention or absence of a veto-bearing member), this was treated as a non-blocking abstention. This had in fact already become Council practice by that time, the Council having already adopted numerous draft resolutions despite the lack of an affirmative vote by each of its permanent members. Article 27 of the United Nations Charter states:

1) Each member of the Security Council shall have one vote.
2) Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members.
3) Decisions of the Security Council on all other matters shall be made by an affirmative vote of nine members including the concurring votes of the permanent members; provided that, in decisions under Chapter VI, and under paragraph 3 of Article 52, a party to a dispute shall abstain from voting.

Although the 'power of veto' is not explicitly mentioned in the UN Charter, the fact that 'substantive' decisions by the UNSC require "the concurring votes of the permanent members", means that any of those permanent members can prevent the adoption, by the Council, of any draft resolutions on 'substantive' matters. For this reason, the 'power of veto' is also referred to as the principle of 'great Power unanimity'.
(Nota: Sekali lagi kita lihat bagaimana para penjajah memanipulasi situasi yang wujud selepas Perang Dunia Kedua tamat. Sebagai negara-negara oportunis, keadaan yang serba tidak terurus pada ketika itu telah "diuruskan" dengan sewajarnya oleh para penjajah besar. Mereka berunding serta berpakat untuk membahagi-bahagikan "kek kekuasaan peringkat dunia" masing-masing. Siapa tidak kenal Britain, Peranchis, Rusia, Amerika Syarikat? Mereka adalah penjajah-penjajah tersohor seawal abad ke 15 lagi. Apa kurangnya China - yang sudah menjadi jaguh penjajahan sejak sebelum kelahiran Masehi lagi? Dan, apakah cara terbaik untuk mengekalkan dasar neoimperialisme? Kalau bukan melalui "VETO"?)

Number of resolutions vetoed by each of the five permanent members of the Security Council between 1946 and 2007. Almost half the vetoes in the history of the Security Council were cast by the Soviet Union. Since shortly before the fall of the USSR, the United States has been the most frequent user of the veto. Between the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the end of 2004, vetoes were issued on 19 occasions. For that period, usage breaks down as follows:

In the early days of the United Nations, the Soviet Union commissar and later minister for foreign affairs, Vyacheslav Molotov, said "no" so many times that he was known as "Mr. Veto". In fact, the Soviet Union was responsible for nearly half of all vetoes ever cast — 79 vetoes were used in the first 10 years. Molotov regularly rejected bids for new membership because of the U.S.'s refusal to admit the Soviet republics. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has used its veto power sparingly.

Ambassador Charles W. Yost cast the first U.S. veto in 1970, regarding a crisis in Rhodesia, and the U.S. cast a lone veto in 1972, to prevent a resolution relating to Israel. Since that time, it has become by far the most frequent user of the veto, mainly against resolutions criticizing Israel (see Negroponte doctrine). This has been a constant cause of friction between the General Assembly and the Security Council, as seen with the 2003 Iraqi war which was not endorsed by the UN.

(Nota: Catatan diatas jelas menggambarkan gelagat bapak-bapak penjajahan pasca Perang Dunia Kedua bertingkahlaku. Kita juga diperlihatkan bagaimana Zionisme memperkudakan AS untuk pencerobohan Iraq pada tahun 1991 dan seterusnya "meratakan" bumi bersejarah itu pada tahun 2003 sebelum menyembelih Saddam Hussein sebagai pelengkap acara. Adakah pencerobohan ini mendapat mendapat tantangan ahli PBB yang seramai 192 ahli itu? Atau, kuasa "VETO" bisa menghalalkan para syaitan melakukan apa sahaja diatas muka bumi ini? Dalam ertikata lain, pemilik kuasa VETO memiliki segala kekebalan dan pada ketika yang sama mereka boleh lakukan apa-apa sahaja yang mereka mahu? Ini bererti, PBB bukan wujud atas dasar demokrasi, memperjuangkan hak-hak asasi, keamanan, keadilan, kemurnian serta saling hormat-menghormati. Sebaliknya, ia adalah pakej neoimperialisme yang bakal menyerapkan segala ummah dunia ke dalam belenggu hegemoni pemilik kuasa-kuasa veto yang berlima itu, dengan zionis sebagai maharajanya!)

Between 1946 and 1971, the Chinese seat on the Security Council was the government of the Republic of China (from 1949 on Taiwan) during which its representative used the veto only once (to block the Mongolian People's Republic's application for membership in 1955 because the ROC considered Mongolia to be a part of China). This postponed the admission of Mongolia until 1960, when the Soviet Union announced that unless Mongolia was admitted, it would block the admission of all of the newly independent African states. Faced with this pressure, the ROC relented under protest.

After the Republic of China's expulsion from the United Nations in 1971, the first veto cast by the present occupant, the People's Republic of China, was issued in 25 August 1972 over Bangladesh's admission to the United Nations. As of December 2008, the People's Republic of China has used its veto six times; observers have noted a preference for China to abstain rather than veto on resolutions not directly related to Chinese interests.

France uses its veto power sparingly. It used it in 1976 on the question of the Comoros independence, when the island of Mayotte was kept in French territory due to the vote of the local population. The threat of a French veto of resolution on the Iraq war caused friction between France and the United States.

The United Kingdom used its Security Council veto power, along with France, to veto a draft resolution aimed at resolving the Suez Canal crisis in 1956. They eventually withdrew after the U.S. instigated an 'emergency special session' of the General Assembly, under the terms of the "Uniting for Peace" resolution, which led to the establishment of the United Nations Emergency Force I (UNEF I), by the adoption of Assembly resolution 1001. The UK also used the veto unilaterally seven times because of Rhodesia.

Veto power reform:

Various discussions have taken place in recent years over the suitability of the Security Council veto power in today’s world. Key arguments include that the five permanent members no longer represent the most stable and responsible member states in the United Nations, and that their veto power slows down and even prevents important decisions being made on matters of international peace and security. Due to the global changes that have taken place politically and economically since the formation of the UN in 1945, widespread debate has been apparent over whether the five permanent members of the UN Security Council remain the best member states to hold veto power. While the permanent members are still typically regarded as great powers, there is debate over their suitability to retain exclusive veto power.

(Nota: Anggota Tetap (AS, Russia, China, Peranchis dan UK) yang juga memiliki kuasa veto, juga digelar sebagai "great powers" (kuasa-kuasa yang agong). Why "great"? Mengapa "agong"? Apakah maksud yang tersirat? Siapakah yang menganugerahi atau mentauliahkan mereka hingga disuratkan sebagai "great powers"? Kuasa yang mana? Mungkinkah kuasa ini lebih berkuasa dari kelima-lima kuasa ini? Apakah kuasa ini BAIK atau LAKNAT? Kalau BAIK, mungkinkah pertumpahan darah, pencerobohan demi pencerobohan dan ancaman demi ancaman akan terus melanda negara-negara kecil di Dunia Ketiga? Jadi, apakah hakikat KUASA ini? Dari manakah asal-usulnya KUASA LAKNAT itu?)

A second argument against retaining the UNSC veto power is that it is detrimental to balanced political decisions, as any draft text needs to be approved of by each permanent member before any draft resolution can possibly be adopted. Indeed, several proposed draft resolutions are never formally presented to the Council for a vote owing to the knowledge that a permanent member would vote against their adoption (the so-called 'pocket veto'). Debate also exists over the potential use of the veto power to provide 'diplomatic cover' to a permanent member's allies[citation needed]. The United States of America has used its veto power more than any other permanent member since 1972; particularly on draft resolutions condemning the actions or policies of the State of Israel, but that may have been necessary, others point out, because the very resolutions are systematically heavily biased against Israel.

Advocates of the veto power believe that it is just as necessary in the current geo-political landscape, and that without the veto power, the Security Council would be open to making "majority rules" decisions on matters that have implications at a global level— decisions that may well go directly against the interests of a permanent member.

Discussions on improving the UN's effectiveness and responsiveness to international security threats often include reform of the UNSC veto. Proposals include: limiting the use of the veto to vital national security issues; requiring agreement from multiple states before exercising the veto; and abolishing the veto entirely. However, any reform of the veto will be very difficult. Articles 108 and 109 of the
United Nations Charter grant the P5 veto over any amendments to the Charter, requiring them to approve of any modifications to the UNSC veto power that they themselves hold.

Nonetheless, it has been argued that the current UNSC 'power of veto' is, fundamentally, irrelevant. With the Assembly's adoption of the 'Uniting for Peace' resolution on 3 November 1950, it was made clear by the UN Member states that, according to the UN Charter, the P5 cannot prevent the UN General Assembly from taking any and all action necessary to restore international peace and security, in cases where the UNSC has failed to exercise its 'primary responsibility' for maintaining peace. Such an interpretation sees the UNGA as being awarded 'final responsibility' — rather than 'secondary responsibility' — for matters of international peace and security, by the UN Charter. Although not couched in the same language, various high-level reports make explicit reference to the 'Uniting for Peace' resolution as providing the necessary mechanism for the UNGA to overrule any vetoes in the UNSC; thus rendering them little more than delays in UN action.

Dari apa yang telah dihuraikan oleh Carta PBB diatas, usah terkejut bahawa "kuasa-kuasa agong" yang telah melantik diri masing-masing untuk menjadi "penguasa-penguasa utama" pasca Perang Dunia Kedua sebenarnya tidaklah sekuat mana. Jika tidak kerana keengkaran Hitler mendengar nasihat para jeneral beliau dalam mengatur strategi peperangan, tentera Jerman tidak mudah tewas di medan tempur. Tetapi kebodohannya untuk taksub kepada cakap-cakap penasihat politik Nazi yang samasekali jahil dalam taktik peperangan, disekalikan dengan kediktatoran yang melampaui batas hingga dibenci oleh para jeneralnya sendiri, akhirnya beliau menerima padahnya. Berbeza dengan Jepun. Tentera imperial Jepun hanya menyerah kalah setelah dua biji bom atom memusnahkan masyarakat awam di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki. Jika tidak, sejarah dunia mungkin berubah sama sekali. Mungkinkah "kek dunia" dibahagikan antara Jerman, Jepun dan Itali? Mungkinkan senario politik global terlalu runcing? Atau, dunia ini hancur sama sekali dibawah kuasa PAKSI (Axis) ciptaan taghut?

Sebagai kesimpulan dari nota yang agak panjang ini, kita dapat menilai apakah itu kuasa VETO dan apakah rahsia yang tersirat disebalik kuasa "superman" yang pelik dan "gila" ini. Apakah hakikatnya dan kemanakah mahu dibawanya dunia ini? Kearah hidup yang serba harmoni, tenteram, murni, senyum ceria? Atau ke jurang jahanam yang serba total dibawah bayangan neoconservatisme, hegemoni zionisme atau singkatnya pemerintahan syaitan? Patutkan kita membenarkan keadaan ini terjadi? Dimanakah maruah kita? Bagaimanakah kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan kita? Kemanakah keimanan kita? Wajarkah ummah ini dibiarkan musnah bergelandangan selepas bangkit dari sejarah penjajahan yang panjang? Jiwa mereka diindoktrinasi? Dan, aqidah mereka diruntuhkan?

Dengan adanya ilmu serta teknologi termaju barulah kita berupaya membina kekuatan, menegakkan yang hak dan meruntuhkan yang bathil. Tanpa ilmu, kita akan terus menjadi hamba dan pecacai kepada yang berkuasa. Kuasa veto hanya boleh diruntuhkan dengan adanya integrasi kekuatan. Ilmu, ekonomi-politik serta teknologi yang paling canggih, sistem persenjataan yang terbaru dan terkuat, tentera yang gagah, pintar, beriman. Diperlengkapkan oleh kemantapan tauhid, ketakwaan. Barulah kita benar-benar mampu menggerunkan MUSUH-MUSUH kita dan MUSUH-MUSUH Allah.

Jangan sekadar melihat, tetapi, ia hendaklah difikirkan dengan mendalam!

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